Sunday, August 21, 2011

Reflection of 6135

When I reflect on the future of distance learning, I have to consider how far technology has come in such a very short time. Five years ago when I was seeking my Bachelors Degree, we discussed many avenues of technology and video conferencing and other areas of technology were really primitive as opposed to what they are today. In looking at the reflection for this course, I also was surprised at how fast Dreamweaver has been over turned as a website builder and manager for sites and how CMS have come along and have topped the technology in the current day. In another five years, it will be amazing to see what course management software is available and the capabilities of the technology will only increase and improve over time. In this last blog post, I discuss the future of distance learning as well as what kinds of things I expect to be doing as a Instructional Designer for the future.

What do you think the perceptions of distance learning will be in the future (in 5–10 years; 10–20 years)?

In the video lecture George Siemens references that with the availability of technology and resources to have meaningful online conversations in real time people are more accepting of online learning and education and are finding it a useful tool in today’s society. Siemens also discusses that there is a “growing sense of comfort for technology use” (Siemens, 2011, media, 1:32).  Siemens continues to talk about the diversity of the available technology and how accepting people are of the ability to talk to one another even if they are around the world. 
Siemens believes that distance education becoming increased with many contributions coming from all parts of the world and a growing shift of interaction with the availability to interconnect universities, corporations and government for an online training management system that all work together. It is believed that the shift in technology will only clarify and become stronger to where there are many avenues of learning that can be incorporated by these three agencies. I believe in the future we will have the availability of HD teleconferences and possibly even utilizing other technologies along with technologies such as SMS to interact with others. Skype and other teleconference software will seem very low tech by the time technology advances.  We are already seeing a trend for High School education to go mainstream, which seemed like an anomaly back in 2006 when I was finishing my Education degree. At that time, only a handful of teaching programs for alternative High Schools were available and were exclusive to a few resources. Also back in 2006 online courses were not frequently offered at the University I attended. At the time, online courses were not as advances as we see today and the discussion and interaction that we see from Walden University in 2011 is greatly increased.

How can you as an instructional designer be a proponent for improving societal perceptions of distance learning?
It is important for the instructional designer to be a proponent for distance learning by supporting the learner, creating user-friendly design programs that support and scaffold the learning, and finding ways to incorporate interactions among students in the online courses. Students who feel supported are more likely to achieve success in the online education world and want to take more online distance education courses.

How will you be a positive force for continuous improvement in the field of distance education?
I will be a positive force for continuous improvement in the field of distance education by considering my learning audience and the strengths and limitations there may be. I will consider and implement proper design elements into the course or module I am designing in order for the learner to have proper support, interactive discussion and resources available to scaffold them for the learning. In my design I will consider which module to use and for what purposes the learning will take place. I will implement course development that will give the distance learner an overview of the course that will introduce new learners to the module as well as refresh the prior learning of seasoned distance learners.


Siemens, G.(2011) “The Future of Distance Education”. Retrieved from Walden U we

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to learning with you.

