Friday, June 11, 2010


Connectivism refers to the use of computer networks to link computers to one another, and provide information resources between computer systems and their final users. In this assignment we were asked to display resources that we use in order to link our learning to technology. For Walden U's purposes connectivism refers to connecting technology to learning and being able to use that technology to further the learning.
When thinking about learning and using technology the use of technology has enhanced learning and allowed limited learning to expand and broaden with a click of a button.  When the internet was new and my knowledge for using this technology was inadequate, I had no idea of how powerful the technology would eventually become in broadening my knowledge of endless subjects in the future. 

In my network I referenced using past education textbooks, internet searches, making a plea for help from facebook friends as well as asking friends, and combining those with prior knowledge about a subject. I saved my textbooks from the education classes in the past and I can find useful information about the subjects that may not be readily available on the internet. I find that some materials are better than others and it helps to have them available for a broader perspective.
I have only recently used the social networking site Facebook to connect with people that may have answers to questions.  I have been able to connect with people from High School that are now working in technical or education fields that are able to give me advice on learning. I also have a friendship network that I can call on the phone and ask questions as needed at times. Being able to tie prior knowledge from past jobs, education classes or experience with the subject also helps in creating a learning network.
I really like the ease of jumping online and doing a Google or search about the subject.  Since I have been exposed to college for a few years I am able to go to trusted websites and find correct information.  When I have completed my search, I also like to consult prior textbooks or learning materials that reinforce the learning. It is also very helpful to me to be able to ask a friend or find a demonstration in order to have a visual lesson.  I learn best when the lesson is demonstrated and I am able to repeat it with someone I can ask for immediate help with.
My personal learning network supports the central tenets of connectivism because it involves using technology and the internet has vast amounts of information and programs available. However, my personal learning network refutes the central tenets because it uses sources that are not technological in nature.


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