For the second week in Instructional Design we were asked to find a blog that we could make an original comment on. For this assignment I would like to make reference to Jim Janossy's May 3, 2010 blog posting about adding video and the importance of it. It would stand to reason that the ID's focus should be on relating to his or her audience by giving information in various ways that is relevant, usable and connected to recall. In this post, Janossy speaks about how making a web video is an important piece of e-Learning. For the e-Learner who may not be a visual learner having a web video connects the learner to a more personal platform that brings the learning into a 3-D focus that almost mimics in-class lecture. The learner is able to make a visual connection as well as hearing the information and for Laureate Ed. videos we also are given subtitles which adds a third dimension to the video. I think that people are naturally drawn to images that make a connection and having a video professor helps the learner relate to the information in a whole new way.
In the past, I have taken on-line classes where the information was written down and the text book was the only means of reference. For me, I am not someone that learns by reading the material. I have to analyze and 'chew on it' for a while before I can synthesize it enough to talk about it in an intellectual manner. I really need that human interaction to help me synthesize the material or I really struggle with it. I find that my learning is hindered without the ability to speak to someone about the problems I may be experiencing as well. I know in today's society, it is much easier to 'text' or 'email' a person rather than call and have personal dialogue with them but I find it very frustrating that written word can be misunderstood and more 'text' and more 'emails' have to be sent. While I can relate to the value of having technology at my fingertips I can also see the downside as well.
As to Janossy's assertion that making these short video's are easy I would have to disagree to some point. People trained in technology have a better understanding of how and when to use it. Some people can't grasp new concepts of texting with the use of a blackberry or even know how to go about sharing the video once it is recorded. People who use new technology every day or are exposed to new things forget that not every aspect is easy for everyone to learn. I've heard my friends remark on how they can't program a DVD player or turn on and play a Wii game but they use their blackberry like an extension of their bodies.
I believe these barriers of the 'unknown' may be the reason some professors do not use all the technology available to them. I would propose to change the learners thinking there needs to be more opportunities for peer counseling and technology seminars to these people who may need training or more help. So I would conclude with this by saying that the use of video is extremely important to add texture and dimension for visual learners however, there needs to be more opportunities for people to train on technology that is new to them in a venue that is comfortable and understandable to reluctant users.
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